Laser Cutting

Have you ever bought a shoe and it was just the wrong size? This week I was trying to solve this problem. I am laser cutting a modular parametric shoe. This shoe will be printed in pieces which can be assembled together for the best fit. This idea when combined with the vinyl cutting assignment can give you access to any shoe brand: Nike, Adidas, New Balence etc.

1. Parameterizing

This took much longer than I expected because of my unfamilarity with Fusion 360. In the beginning of the week instead of planning out the shapes I was just drawing willy nilly. I was using parameters but everytime I change the parameters the shapes would not grow rather they would get deformed.

This caused many problems, when I made small mistakes and tried to fix them I eneded up having to remake the entire shape. Because of this I made too many designs. Although this did help me understand Fusion a little better. Each iteration I learned how to add shapes a little bit better. Specifically rectangles which I was using as holes for other peices to go into caused me some major problems. At first, I was drawing each rectable by "hand".

I then started using the mirror functionality. This was a game changer, it allowed me to draw one rectangle then multiply it. Although this led to a problem that I wanted to make multiple rectangles on the same side with a parameterized spacing. This to problems because I was making too many mirror lines.
When Leo told me about the rectangular pattern functionality in Fusion it showed me that there was so many ways to make the ideas in your head. Lastly, I was parameterizing in the beginning with an idea of the lengths but if anything was off I would hot fix it by adding or subtracting in the dimensions. This led to some extremely messy equations
Results from this round of work

2. The dreaded blue lines

I orginally did not understand the concept of constraints. I could not grasp that there is a chance that my constrains could in a way which does not completely constrain the image. These signs meant nothing to me.

After one of the TFs explained the concept better I realized definite I needed to make the measurements in order to get the black lines/ locks.
I don't know what but I started seeing this as some type of game/puzzle that I have the ability to solve. There is probably better ways to do it but I kinda when crazy with the dimensions and constraints.
Results from this section

3. Modulizing

The last step in the process was to make the shoes modular. In order to do that I turned each of the components, the base side and back into parts that can be fit together. I made a front a back and an inbetween piece for the base and sides.

Vinyle Cutting

Using the vinyle cutter at Harvard was suprisingly easy when it was working. All I had to do was upload a png and it was able to cute very well once I figured out the force. For this week I was cutting out sneaker brand logos.

Unforseen Problem

Although both the laser cutting and vinyle cutting went really fast the machines had lines to use them. Specifically the laser cutter was not cutting well no matter the power or speed, so it would take people really long to cut everything they wanted. The vinyle cutter was causing problems because the computer just stopped reading the vinyle cutter.